The Trigger: I'm sure you all have noticed the price of gas is going up at a rate faster than anytime in recent history. Have you also noticed there is very little talk of it in the media, and the politicians are saying nothing at all.
This is the same strategy they've been using on several other issues including but not limited to Gun control, Where the stimulus money is going, Where the stim. money being returned is going, Global warming and the lack there of and, Who the hell gave the president the authority to assign "Czars" who answer to nobody?
You see the president comes up with a national emergency, right now its medical insurance, and while most of the country is concentrating on this, his democratic led congress is passing bills or ignoring the real problems of the United States citizen. I'm not saying medical insurance isn't important but its not the emergency he's making it out to be.
Now I know that the president is not the only one responsible for the rise in gas prices. We have speculators calling future oil prices with no proof, and Opec reducing production until the price of crude reaches $100.00 a barrel. But lets face facts he hasn't done anything to stop the raising prices.
Now my memory may not be the greatest, but I do remember then candidate Obama saying something about not being worried about the $4.+ price of gas. A little research found reporting on a YouTube June 11, 2008 clip featuring an MSNBC interview where Obama is quoted as saying "I'd like higher gas prices just not so quickly". I guess we've waited long enough, huh? Of course I tried to play the entire clip so as not to be taking this quote out of context however when you hit play you get the message "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation". I've spent several hours trying to retrieve this video through other means however either I'm not smart enough or, the "all powerful" has been successful in sticking it in the recycle bin.
On February 12, 2009, during a press briefing in the Roosevelt room Obama stated "I won't move quickly on offshore drilling" saying that "he's holding out for a more comprehensive strategy". Of course a little over two months later on April 17, 2009 USA Today reported that a U.S. Appeals court canceled a program to expand oil and gas drilling of the coast of Alaska stating "the Bush administration did not properly study the environmental impact". Now while the White House made a statement in march that they are open to directional drilling in ANWR they made it very clear that the environmental impact would be scrutinized and nothing would be done until all is cleared. That's political crap for We aint doing nothing.
Didn't we have the same type of opposition to the pipe line and now they have found the caribou actually use it as foraging grounds. This country has the ability to do anything it sets its mind to. From drilling for oil and gas to nuclear power. It seems this administration is just fine with other country's finding the energy and sticking us with what ever price they determine to charge. It's ok for Iran and North Corea to develop "nuclear energy" but we can't build one plant.
Why are we sitting by and letting it happen? Are we really watching whats happening in congress? What happened to the outrage about Pelosi calling the CIA liars? People are getting complacent.
I'm asking you all to please pay attention because our government is running this country unchecked. Independence day is coming and I for one will be attending our local T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) party. Please be vigilant and find the one nearest you. If you can't find one then start one. If you have problems contact me and I'll be happy to help. These party's are not just about income taxes but taxes and fees we will all be paying for generations to come.
Lets take our country back!
The Therapy: This weekend I was fortunate enough to enjoy a little shooting with a friend you all know already and my brother. The following are some video's from this week's session. Sorry about the quality.
Nick with his 9
Me with the .300wsm and the 9
My brother Robert just loves the 12 gauge
Thanks for sitting through those. Next time hopefully I'll have an update on the Erma I started last week. In the mean time have fun and please be safe out there.