Monday, August 31, 2009

Its A Grand Illussion

I know Ive used it before but it really fits here.

The Trigger: As I sit here this morning watching FOX NEWS report on how Dick Cheney is going after the president over the CIA investigations, I find myself wondering how many times is Obama going to break this promise. The president sat in the oval office and said the past is the past but every time he runs across opposition to one of his ideas out comes the big investigations into the Bush administration. Now I know that Attorney General Eric Holder is the one filing this investigation, but no one can tell me that Obama isn't behind this.
Magicians call it "illusion" or "slide-of-hand" but all it is is misdirection. From the day he took office in January until February 10th, when he managed to pass an 838 billion dollar spending bill that not one congressman read thoroughly, Obama and the democratic lead congress directed the country's attention towards Guantanamo Bay and the "interrogation methods". It started on January 21st when White House Counsel Greg Craig went to Capitol Hill to brief members of Congress about the three executive orders President Obama would sign the following day. Those orders would close Guantanamo Bay within a year, establish a process to figure out what to do with the detainees, and establish guidelines for the treatment of detainees.

In May when rumours of the health bill first started to surface, we had Nancy Pelosi and the CIA going at each other over what she knew and when she knew it. Of course there was no investigation even as she was accusing the CIA of lying.

So that brings us to today. Now that the American people are well aware and rather upset over the proposed health bills, (HR3200, and the Senate health care bill), we are back to the treatment of the detainees and how this administration can pursue the prosecution of the Bush administration. As I said earlier Attorney General Erick Holder is the one pursuing the action this time while Obama denies having any part of it, but since the Attorney General is a member of the cabinet he ultimately answers to the president.

I have mixed feeling about Cheney getting into a yelling match over this right now. I more than support him and pres. Bush in the way they handled the detainees. After all they are enemy combatants aren't they? However I don't want this to distract people while the Democrats push their agenda through.

So lets keep our eyes and ears open and if at all possible keep our politicians honest. (lol)

The Therapy: Well I finally finished the Erma.

Here is the first successful firing pin reproduction. (left) Its of two piece construction and I have my doubts about strength.

The second and final reproduction. It works well and is of one piece construction so less chance of breaking. I cold blued the piece once finished.

And here is a picture of the original plastic grips and the hand made walnut grips. I would have to say these took quite a while but I had a lot more fun doing them.

An enjoyable weekend spent along the river. Here we're standing over the river on the Hoover Dam.

Talk to yall later. Be safe. Have fun.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pissed off with both barrells loaded

THE TRIGGER: If Obama's budget is passed America will spend less on defense than before 9/11. As far as I'm concerned that's unacceptable. With the refusal of this administration and the democratic run congress to drill on our own soil, we continue to fund foreign military powers by buying crude oil from country's that hate us. While everybody is up in arms about the STUPID medical reform bill, talks are happening behind closed doors to cut our defense to less than 4% of the GDP. This is unacceptable. Please join me in backing 4% For Freedom. We need to restore our missile defence funding, keep congress and their greedy hands off the military's money, and most of all give our troops the tools and weapons they need. In following Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and others, 4% For Freedom is a cause I can back. Find more info @ Thanks for all your support.

BARREL TWO: Now on to the STUUUUPID health bill. (hey the president can call our police stupid).
How many of you think this bill is about health care? Wrong. This bill is just another way for the mighty Obama administration to take control of our money and run our lives. If this bill were law in 2008 I probably wouldn't be here to write this blog. (ok enough with the applause) You see I had a series of TIA's (mini strokes) last year and, since I smoke, under their structured proposal I would not have been treated. You see I would be too big a risk.

Lets look back on the health care speech of 7/22/09. In this particular speech the president wasted no time in blaming the previous administration. The second sentence out of his mouth was about how he took office "during the worst recession in half a century". I still don't understand how he can continue to blame Bush when he knows that the dem's ran the congress during the last six years of his presidency. He went on to claim that his administration has pulled our country "back from the brink". If this is true then why is the unemployment estimates now well over 10% nation wide and 15% in some parts of the country.
After running through all the arm breaking self pats on the back for his stimulus, he finally got to questions on the health bill. One reporter asked why the rush to pass this bill and during his answer he stated that "the stars are aligned". What the hell does that mean. He also stated that if there were no deadline then the stimulus bill would not be passed yet. I think that's because, if they were doing their jobs, the congressional members would still be reading the damn thing.
He's trying to pull the same stunt as last time and ram this ridiculous piece of crap down our throats before anyone knows what it says. As for myself I'm about half way through it.
I'm sure you all have heard differing opinions on weather or not you are going to lose your existing health plan. Lets see if I can help. Here is the infamous page 16, section 102, 1(A):

11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in
12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance
13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll
14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef
15fective date of coverage is on or after the first
16 day of Y1.
Now as I understand it year 1 is 2013. So this bill, if passed, does not go into full effect until after Obama is out of office. (we don't even consider a second term) However if it does go into effect that sounds to me like insurance company's cannot sign a new client after 1-1-2013. As they lose clients do to job changes and such they lose money.As they lose money they go out of business. As they go out of business that's less and less private insurance company's leaving the government run health care the only one around. But Obama doesn't want it called socialized medicine. You can find the whole bill at
Happy reading.

During his speech there were so many things said and not much information given. Examples; Instead of doctors we could be treated by nutritionists, We've seen the republicans ideas, Instead of treatments for the elderly we can develop more drugs, and Americans have to change their way of life.
As for that last one, isn't that why we fought the British. So we could live as we like.
In my opinion (and it is my blog) this whole 1017 page piece of shit bill, like the stimulus bill, has no intention of helping the American people. It's just another way for the government to take control of our lives.

So call your congressmen and tell them what you think. Don't call uninformed though, at least browse through the bill first.
Thanks for listening and Ill try to write more often.

THE THERAPY: As I told you in "A better America" trying to find a firing pin for an Erma is next to impossible. So after purchasing a bench top metal lathe I have set to making one. I've had some success and more than a few setbacks. Below are pictures of the original and of one that is close to being done.
I've found that machining is a tedious task and requires patients I was unaware I had. Slowly but surely I'm making progress and as in everything we do learning by making mistakes.
The old broken sh*t

The new, not quite finnished sh*t

It's rough now but I am hopefull.

In the meantime here are some pictures of a day trip our family took to Lovell Canyon.

Beth and Steven

Just northwest of Las Vegas Lovell Canyon has plenty of camping and sight seeing areas. With all the off road trails it's great for wheel'n and there is a trail that goes over the top of Mt Charleston. It's nice to get out and play.

Thats it for now. Hit what you aim at, be it a rifle, pistol, or just life in general but as always be safe.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

$2.69 and Rising

The Trigger: I'm sure you all have noticed the price of gas is going up at a rate faster than anytime in recent history. Have you also noticed there is very little talk of it in the media, and the politicians are saying nothing at all.

This is the same strategy they've been using on several other issues including but not limited to Gun control, Where the stimulus money is going, Where the stim. money being returned is going, Global warming and the lack there of and, Who the hell gave the president the authority to assign "Czars" who answer to nobody?
You see the president comes up with a national emergency, right now its medical insurance, and while most of the country is concentrating on this, his democratic led congress is passing bills or ignoring the real problems of the United States citizen. I'm not saying medical insurance isn't important but its not the emergency he's making it out to be.

Now I know that the president is not the only one responsible for the rise in gas prices. We have speculators calling future oil prices with no proof, and Opec reducing production until the price of crude reaches $100.00 a barrel. But lets face facts he hasn't done anything to stop the raising prices.

Now my memory may not be the greatest, but I do remember then candidate Obama saying something about not being worried about the $4.+ price of gas. A little research found reporting on a YouTube June 11, 2008 clip featuring an MSNBC interview where Obama is quoted as saying "I'd like higher gas prices just not so quickly". I guess we've waited long enough, huh? Of course I tried to play the entire clip so as not to be taking this quote out of context however when you hit play you get the message "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation". I've spent several hours trying to retrieve this video through other means however either I'm not smart enough or, the "all powerful" has been successful in sticking it in the recycle bin.

On February 12, 2009, during a press briefing in the Roosevelt room Obama stated "I won't move quickly on offshore drilling" saying that "he's holding out for a more comprehensive strategy". Of course a little over two months later on April 17, 2009 USA Today reported that a U.S. Appeals court canceled a program to expand oil and gas drilling of the coast of Alaska stating "the Bush administration did not properly study the environmental impact". Now while the White House made a statement in march that they are open to directional drilling in ANWR they made it very clear that the environmental impact would be scrutinized and nothing would be done until all is cleared. That's political crap for We aint doing nothing.

Didn't we have the same type of opposition to the pipe line and now they have found the caribou actually use it as foraging grounds. This country has the ability to do anything it sets its mind to. From drilling for oil and gas to nuclear power. It seems this administration is just fine with other country's finding the energy and sticking us with what ever price they determine to charge. It's ok for Iran and North Corea to develop "nuclear energy" but we can't build one plant.

Why are we sitting by and letting it happen? Are we really watching whats happening in congress? What happened to the outrage about Pelosi calling the CIA liars? People are getting complacent.

I'm asking you all to please pay attention because our government is running this country unchecked. Independence day is coming and I for one will be attending our local T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) party. Please be vigilant and find the one nearest you. If you can't find one then start one. If you have problems contact me and I'll be happy to help. These party's are not just about income taxes but taxes and fees we will all be paying for generations to come.

Lets take our country back!
The Therapy: This weekend I was fortunate enough to enjoy a little shooting with a friend you all know already and my brother. The following are some video's from this week's session. Sorry about the quality.

Nick with his 9

Me with the .300wsm and the 9

My brother Robert just loves the 12 gauge

Thanks for sitting through those. Next time hopefully I'll have an update on the Erma I started last week. In the mean time have fun and please be safe out there.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Before I start I would like to apologize for being absent last week. I've been a little under the weather and it couldn't be helped.

THE TRIGGER: The following are just some of the things said during our beloved presidents inauguration speech on January 21, 2009.
“Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost, jobs shed, businesses shuttered.” I am so glad were doing better now. The dealership I work at is being liquidated, my friends are loosing their houses and, pretty soon we will be forced to make the choice of which little economical piece of crap to drive. The government taking responsibility, right?
“On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.” I knew that Pelosi and Ried were just a figment of my imagination.
“The state of our economy calls for action, bold and swift. And we will act, not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.” Are these new jobs in the United States? The growth you talk about, did you mean the country's debt? Just asking.
“The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works -- whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.” So we don’t have to worry that it seems your plan is to grow the government 300% or more, your fantasy of “saving or creating 150,000 jobs so far is out weighed by jobs lost, and retirees are being forced back to work. Goooood plan.
“And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.” Do I really need to comment on that one?

These things were great to hear, fun to think about, and I guess did inspire a lot of hope. In the long run just more political rhetoric.

Since the beginning the president has stated several times how he has inherited this catastrophic financial situation. Are we to believe president Bush told him he had to barrow a trillion dollars from China? Which part of the previous administration said he had to nationalize the banking system or the medical system? Are we really better off with the government running the automotive industry? It scares me when he nominates someone to the supreme court that even the Democrats are saying is racist.

We used to be a capitalist country but I don't think that applies anymore. States like Alaska and South Carolina which turned down the stimulus money are now being forced to take it. Now he's talking about regulating salaries on anyone who takes the money. Sounds like a no win situation to me. I don't like the direction this is going. I agree we were in a tough spot but we've been in them before and didn't have to resort to Socialism. If we keep going in this direction our children and grandchildren will be paying for it. That's not what anybody wants.

Its just my opinion but this will not be a better America for furture generations.

THE THERAPY: Today boys and girls were working on an Erma KGP68A chambered in .380.

First a little history. The Erfurter Maschinen und Werkzeugfabrik company in Germany were responsible for making th MP38 and MP40 machine guns during WWII. After changing the name a couple of times it became known as the Erma-Werke gun company.

In 1968 Erma began production of the delayed-blowback KGP-68 chambered in both .32 and .380. Also in 1968 our beloved U.S. gun control act required a magazine safety hence the KGP-68A.

OK Enough history.

When I recieved this weopon the firing pin was broken, which is a common problem with Erma's. I'm still searching for one and can use any help yall might have.

I've got bids on several metal lathes now so I should be able to replicate these small parts in the future.

In the mean time, Im trying my hand at custome grips. With a little help from Ryobi and Dremel and so far a whole lot of patients I have made pretty good progress on the right side grip. Tell me what you think.

First I started with a large chunk of Black Waulnut and made it a smaller chunk. Tricky huh?

Sanding and shaping, the thin burnt layer made by my cheep band saw fades, then things start to look like I might actually know what I'm doing.

Thats as far as I've got. I'm woundering weather or not to do the checkering on the complete thing like the original plastic one or not. I have decided not to stain it at all. Just a few coats of urathane that will bring out the grain. Since the owner is a friend and a follower Im sure I'll hear from him, but comments are anticipated from everyone else.
Thought I'd introduce my son. The pride of my life. Steven
Well I guess I'll get back to therapy.
Make sure you always take enough time to enjoy life and as always Be Safe.
See ya next week; Rick.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

After spending the last two days contemplating what this weeks trigger will be about I have come to the conclusion that it would be disrespectful to the men and women in uniform to rant on about the government they fight to protect. I only wish the government felt the same way.

However here is some therapy I would like to share with you. Have a great weekend and if you see any of our military personnel please stop to say thanks. Also, take time to remember those who have served and given their lives for our freedom. Isn't it GREAT to live in a free country. My three week old niece. NOW THAT'S THERAPY!

See y'all next week and as always, be safe.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trust Issues

The Trigger: Can we all remember these statements made by our illustrious leaders; "Read my lips, no new taxes", or "I did not have sex with that woman", and of course "A change you can believe in", and within the past week we have madam speaker saying "yes the CIA lied to myself and other congressional members present". I can, and I feel its time to take our stand against those who think their way is the only way and they lie to convince us. Weather your Democrat, Republican, Independent, or anything else you have to admit that the government is getting way out of control. I was watching Glenn Beck yesterday and he gave the example of a couple living in the plain states who grew grain on an acre of land. They had their own mill and they processed the wheat into breads and other things for their own consumption. The point is that it never left their property. The feds came in and said they were violating the Interstate Commerce Act. (The Glenn Beck Show; Saturday May 16, 2009) I just don't understand. My wife, after hearing this, asked if we should tell anyone about our tomatoes in the back yard. Just another attempt by the government to move us closer and closer to Socialism. So my question to you is how can we trust a government that expects our acceptance when they spend money they don't have, at the same time punish the people who are doing everything right. Too many good people are loosing jobs while too many corrupt corporations are getting money that not only todays workers but our children and possibly their childrens taxes are paid to keep them alive. I feel it may be the death of many generations to come.
The Therapy: Heres Nick shooting my Yugoslovian SKS durring one of our outdoor sessions. The Yugo SKS is different from the Russian and the Chinese in that it has a full blade bayonet, a grenade launcher, and a graduated launcher sight. When I purchased this weopon it was in very rough shape. The wood stock was splitting, and the steel, although covered in cosmoline, still had some pitting and rust spots. Using a 50-50 mix of mineral spirits and linseed oil the stock came back after about 2 weeks of rubbing the solution in daily. The steel was a little more difficult. After removing the cosmoline with rubbing alcohol I went to work on the rust with steel wool and gun oil which helps keep the blued finnish from scratching. Then the fun started. When removing the pitting I use a jewlers file and start from the center of each pit and slowly work my way out in a procedure called fethering. If done right you can treat the area later with cold blue and you can't see the difference. The whole procedure took about a month to complete and while this may seem monotonous to some its great therapy for me. Well thats about all for now. Remember its great to keep an eye on our government and to get mad when they screw up, but find time to do something that takes your mind off things for awile and enjoy life.

Well thats all for now. Be safe and Ill talk to ya later.