BARREL TWO: Now on to the STUUUUPID health bill. (hey the president can call our police stupid).
How many of you think this bill is about health care? Wrong. This bill is just another way for the mighty Obama administration to take control of our money and run our lives. If this bill were law in 2008 I probably wouldn't be here to write this blog. (ok enough with the applause) You see I had a series of TIA's (mini strokes) last year and, since I smoke, under their structured proposal I would not have been treated. You see I would be too big a risk.
Lets look back on the health care speech of 7/22/09. In this particular speech the president wasted no time in blaming the previous administration. The second sentence out of his mouth was about how he took office "during the worst recession in half a century". I still don't understand how he can continue to blame Bush when he knows that the dem's ran the congress during the last six years of his presidency. He went on to claim that his administration has pulled our country "back from the brink". If this is true then why is the unemployment estimates now well over 10% nation wide and 15% in some parts of the country.
After running through all the arm breaking self pats on the back for his stimulus, he finally got to questions on the health bill. One reporter asked why the rush to pass this bill and during his answer he stated that "the stars are aligned". What the hell does that mean. He also stated that if there were no deadline then the stimulus bill would not be passed yet. I think that's because, if they were doing their jobs, the congressional members would still be reading the damn thing.
He's trying to pull the same stunt as last time and ram this ridiculous piece of crap down our throats before anyone knows what it says. As for myself I'm about half way through it.
I'm sure you all have heard differing opinions on weather or not you are going to lose your existing health plan. Lets see if I can help. Here is the infamous page 16, section 102, 1(A):
11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in
12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance
13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll
14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef
15fective date of coverage is on or after the first
16 day of Y1.
16 day of Y1.
Now as I understand it year 1 is 2013. So this bill, if passed, does not go into full effect until after Obama is out of office. (we don't even consider a second term) However if it does go into effect that sounds to me like insurance company's cannot sign a new client after 1-1-2013. As they lose clients do to job changes and such they lose money.As they lose money they go out of business. As they go out of business that's less and less private insurance company's leaving the government run health care the only one around. But Obama doesn't want it called socialized medicine. You can find the whole bill at
Happy reading.
During his speech there were so many things said and not much information given. Examples; Instead of doctors we could be treated by nutritionists, We've seen the republicans ideas, Instead of treatments for the elderly we can develop more drugs, and Americans have to change their way of life.
As for that last one, isn't that why we fought the British. So we could live as we like.
In my opinion (and it is my blog) this whole 1017 page piece of shit bill, like the stimulus bill, has no intention of helping the American people. It's just another way for the government to take control of our lives.
So call your congressmen and tell them what you think. Don't call uninformed though, at least browse through the bill first.
Thanks for listening and Ill try to write more often.
THE THERAPY: As I told you in "A better America" trying to find a firing pin for an Erma is next to impossible. So after purchasing a bench top metal lathe I have set to making one. I've had some success and more than a few setbacks. Below are pictures of the original and of one that is close to being done.
I've found that machining is a tedious task and requires patients I was unaware I had. Slowly but surely I'm making progress and as in everything we do learning by making mistakes.
It's rough now but I am hopefull.
In the meantime here are some pictures of a day trip our family took to Lovell Canyon.
Beth and Steven
Just northwest of Las Vegas Lovell Canyon has plenty of camping and sight seeing areas. With all the off road trails it's great for wheel'n and there is a trail that goes over the top of Mt Charleston. It's nice to get out and play.
Thats it for now. Hit what you aim at, be it a rifle, pistol, or just life in general but as always be safe.
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